Mark Groblewski, LCSW is a psychotherapist practicing in the Houston, TX area with over 25 years of couples counselling experience. His mission is to empower couples to live lives of love, compassion and forgiveness.
Contact us now to schedule your first therapy session. We are offer office visits and Zoom teletherapy sessions for couples.
On one hand, there are more single people than married people for the first time in the history of the U.S. One the other hand, almost half of all marriages now end in divorce. Relationship therapy can help you and your spouse beat this statistic and work on your relationship. If you're considering finding a therapist, ask yourself:
Are there conversation topics you consciously avoid?
Do you find yourself feeling frustrated in your relationship?
Do you find yourself feeling more defensive or withdrawn than usual?
If so, you're not alone. Many couples struggle with conflict resolution and communication, but there are many ways to build these skills and start working towards solutions for your relationship. Call 832-687-7915 today if you need a psychotherapist.
No matter what part of your life you need guidance in, we're here to help. Mark offers a wide range of therapies to meet your needs.
You can come to him for:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Family, marital and Imago relationship therapy
Interpersonal, and psychoanalytic therapy
Mark offers therapy for people of all ages, including preteens, adolescents, adults and elders. In addition to therapy, he and his wife Amy also offer Imago weekend relationship workshops and speak at events. To book Mark to speak for your organization, call us now.
Mark Groblewski is committed to empowering people past their fears to live lives of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
1110 East NASA Parkway
Suite 545K
Houston, TX 77058
Phone: (832) 687-7915
Fax: (281) 992-0287